Get to the root cause of your nerve Pain – Naturally

Neuropathy Treatment

Peripheral neuropathy is a condition in which the peripheral nerves – the nerves that bring information from your central nervous system to other areas of your body – are damaged.

What is peripheral neuropathy?

Peripheral neuropathy is a condition in which the peripheral nerves – the nerves that bring information from your central nervous system to other areas of your body – are damaged.

Serving you

Overcoming Neuropathy starts here

Understanding where it comes from 

What Causes Neuropathy?

The most common cause of peripheral neuropathy is diabetes, but it can also be caused by injury, auto-immune disease, exposure to toxins, nutrient deficiencies, or genetics.



Auto-Immune Disease

Toxin Exposure

Nutrient deficiencies


You might be asking.

What are the symptoms of Neuropathy?

People with peripheral neuropathy experience burning, tingling, stabbing, or feelings of numbness, typically in their hands or feet and sometimes spreading slowly to the rest of their arms and legs. They may also experience touch sensitivity, weakness, or lack of motor control (i.e. falling down).

Neuropathy can be exhausting and distressing to experience, so there may be emotional and psychological considerations, as well.

Our approach

How is neuropathy treated?

Our neuropathy treatment is effective because it takes a whole-person approach that targets neuropathy’s root causes. The goal of our neuropathy approach is to relieve pain by restoring impaired nerves to their optimal function, rather than simply masking pain with medication. While each patient’s neuropathy is unique and must be treated with its own care plan, our approach includes four key pillars:

image of woman with foot neuropathy

1. Electromagnetic Infrared Therapy

  • Infrared light stimulates the creation of new blood vessels around damaged nerves so that more nutrients flow to the cells, promoting cell repair.

2. Electrostimulation

  • Gentle pulses treat neuropathy by restoring normal sensation to parts of the body impacted by damaged nerves.

3. Advanced Nutrition Therapy

  • By promoting blood flow to the affected nerves, reducing inflammation, and increasing key nutrient levels, our nutrition plans accelerate healing.

4. In-Clinic Visits

  • In addition to the at-home portion of your treatment, you’ll see Dr. Bryce once per week for an in-clinic session.