What is a subluxation?

The word subluxation is used to describe the multiple nerve interferences that occur within the spine. These interferences are from our vertebrae (bones in spine)becoming misaligned and putting pressure on our nerves. This pressure interferes with our brains capabilities to talk to the rest of our body through our nerves, leading to pain and dysfunction. 

How do children get subluxations?

Children of all ages are likely to get subluxation from trips, falls and playing. When children transition into adolescents, they sit for long periods of time, often with bad posture. Emotional stress can also put pressure on our systems that will likely make it harder for children to function at their optimal potential (not to mention the sugar in the American diet). 

What are some symptoms that children of all ages could be experiencing due to subluxations?

  • Continual fatigue. 
  • Ear infections.
  • Lowered immunity. 
  • Allergies. 
  • Constipation. 
  • Bed wetting. 

Many kids will not complain about any pain. Oftentimes kids who have subluxation and do not treat them will come to find pain in the years to follow. Most parents and children notice the non-pain symptoms of subluxation. 

Dr. Bryce at Northern Lakes Chiropractic is Websters Certified, meaning he can adjust any age (even newborns). We love to see kids come into our practice and see them grow into healthy, well functioning adults. 

If you have any questions about our technique, do not hesitate to reach out to Dr. Bryce at (218) 606-1168 or info@nownlc.com.