Seeing a Chiropractor for Migraines – What You Need to Know



What can cause a migraine?



Sufferers of migraines will often describe their episodes as debilitating. Many have a hard time finding help and treatment from their migraines. Most are told to take some pain medications. Many have negative side effects from these medications. There is good news for sufferers, chiropractic is an awesome way to help manage migraines. 


“When a migraine occurs, cranial blood vessels expand (vasodilation) as opposed to a regular headache where those same blood vessels narrow (vasoconstriction). Surrounding tissues in the brain become swollen and, as you might know firsthand, quite painful (Arrowhead Health, 2016).” 



How can a chiropractor help with migraines?

Nerves are one thing that affect blood flow and muscles. Without your nerves, your body would not function properly. Your nerves tell your heart to beat, your stomach to digest and they help you move around (not to mention so much more!). When nerves are obstructed, this can lead to discomfort and dysfunction. Doctors of Chiropractic evaluate the nervous system and find the nerves that are being obstructed. After specific adjustments, your nervous system will be running better and you will be feeling better. Below is a short list of how chiropractic helps people manage their migraines. 


  • Restores the communication between your brain and the rest of your body (communication is found between the brain to nerve and nerve to body).
  • Helps to bring back normal blood flow.
  • Helps to relieve muscle tension.
  • Helps stop irritation in your nerves (causes discomfort).

If you have any questions about our technique, do not hesitate to reach out to Dr. Bryce at (218) 606-1168 or