Ear infections are extremely common in children, if you have a child, chances are they have probably experienced an ear infection. 

An ear infection occurs when the eustachian tubes (the tubes that are in the ears and drain towards the throat) are blocked. When they are blocked, the fluid cannot be released, creating an infection. These infections can be painful and affect hearing and balance. Blockages can be created by an “out- of – place” C1 (first cervical bone in your spine). When your C1 (AKA- your atlas) is out of place, it pushes up against the tube in your ear, creating a blockage, oftentimes leading to an ear infection!

Chiropractic can be a great way to relieve ear infections and aid in keeping them away! A chiropractic adjustment is gentle and specific (it is also non-invasive and non-addictive). These adjustments can release the pressure that is stopping the fluid from escaping the tubes in your ears. When the fluid is allowed to release, it cleans out the tubes and helps rid the patient of the infection. 

If you have any questions about our technique, do not hesitate to reach out to Dr. Bryce Benson at (218) 606-1168 or info@nownlc.com.